

The Yellow-billed Babbler, பன்றிக்குருவி/தவிட்டுக்குருவி

Common name :The Yellow-billed Babbler 
Scientific name: Turdoides affinis
Photo credit: Manoj Kumar and B. S. Karthikeyan
Photo shot at: Backyard of Cauvery hostel, BDU and Near Vaigai Mens hostel

The Yellow-billed Babbler or White-headed Babbler (Turdoides affinis) is a member of the Leiothrichidae family endemic to southern India and Sri Lanka. The Yellow-billed Babbler is a common resident breeding bird in SriLanka and southern India. Also called white-headed Babbler. Its habitat is scrub, cultivation and garden land. This species, like most babblers, is not migratory, and has short rounded wings and a weak flight and is usually seen calling and foraging in groups. It is often mistaken for the Jungle Babbler, whose range overlaps in parts of southern India, although it has a distinctive call and tends to be found in more vegetated habitats.


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